What is the Average Speed of a Lacrosse Shot?

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Lacrosse is a sport that is becoming more and more well-liked. It is a physically taxing sport that calls for a lot of endurance, strength, and quickness. Being able to toss the ball with accuracy and force is one of the game’s most crucial abilities. But just how quickly can a lacrosse ball move?

There are a few factors to consider when throwing a lacrosse ball. The pace of your shot can vary depending on your age, level of skill, and even the type of lacrosse stick you use.

We’ll look at the fastest shot record as well as how quickly a lacrosse ball can move at each age level in this blog post. We’ll also look at a few factors that could affect how fast your lacrosse ball travels.


What Is The Average Lacrosse Shot Speed at Different Competitive Tiers?

Looking at the average shot speed per competitive level of the sport may be the best way to determine whether you are sitting at the proper shot speed level for your age. You are performing averagely for your age if you fall inside this range.

If your shot speed is lower than these averages, it could be a good idea to work on it (I will have more information on that in a short while).

This is genius if you are superior to them. It implies that you will have a far faster shooting speed than the majority of other players you encounter. I’m hoping you’ll be able to apply that shot speed to your play. Being able to do it in a controlled setting is great, but the real test is when you are actually on the field and making shots.

  • Youth Lacrosse ———— 60-75 mph
  • High School Lacrosse —————70-85 mph
  • College Lacrosse —————80-95 mph
  • Professional Lacrosse ————— 90-105 mph


What Is The Average Lacrosse Shot Speed By Age?

Surprisingly, there isn’t much data available on average shot speed by age. It appears that the majority of the research has been centered on examining the playing level. This makes sense, I suppose. Compared to a sport like baseball, where a hitter could easily be 10 mph slower than their teammates because they are a few years younger, lacrosse has less variation in shot speed. As a result, I will instead divide the average shot speed by age group.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that younger players frequently have slower shot speeds. This is because their swing will have far less force. Their muscles are still not fully grown. A player’s shooting speed will begin to clearly increase as they get older. Between 20 and 30 will be when they reach their pinnacle and the shot speed will once more begin to decline. The muscles are weakened as a result of wear and tear.

The typical age at which a player begins playing lacrosse is 8.5 years old. I began this chart at this point. The minimum shot speed I listed here will likely be 10–20 mph slower for younger players.

Some of these have a somewhat wide age span. The paucity of data on average shot speed by age is the cause of this. It also results from the small range of shot speeds. The younger player will likely be closer to the lower end of the average, and the older player will likely be closer to the upper level of the range.

  • 8-13 ———- 60-70 mph
  • 14-18 ———– 70-85 mph
  • 18-21 ———- 80-95 mph
  • Starting at 19-years-old ———— 90-105 mph


What Is The Fastest Lacrosse Shot Ever?

The record-breaking lacrosse shot speed for a spell was a stunning 119.9mph. Patrick Luehrsen made a recording of this. But his recording was just just beaten. However, this isn’t too horrible. He initially acquired his record in 2015, and he was able to keep it for a full four years.

Nick Diegel outperformed Patrick Luehrsen in 2019 by clocking in at 123.1 mph. Nick Diegel obviously didn’t want to savor his success. He was able to significantly increase his shot speed in 2020. He can now do 127.4 mph. I don’t think this record will be surpassed anytime soon.

During a legitimate lacrosse game, measuring shot speed is virtually impossible. But efforts have been made. The fastest shot speed during gameplay tops out at 116 mph to give you a sense of the difference between shot speed under controlled settings and in a game situation. Zack Dorn, who shockingly never made it to the top level of the sport, currently holds the record for this feat. When he competed at the college level, his shot speed was measured. I don’t know why Zack Dorn was never successful as a professional. However, it is likely that his stroke speed was the most important aspect of his game, because to be successful in the major leagues, a player must be extremely well-rounded.


What Are Factors That Infuence The Average Speed Of Lacrosse Shot

The average shooting speed of a lacrosse player is influenced by a number of factors. Contrary to popular belief, shot speed depends on a lot more factors than only strength and size.


  • Whip of the Lacrosse Pocket

The whip of the lacrosse pocket, for those of you who don’t know, is the height to which the ball throws during a pass or shot. The ball throws lower the higher the whip.

The ball tends to stay in the pocket for a longer period of time while using a high whip lacrosse stick. Lacrosse players typically stretch their shot windup to combat this excessive pocket hold. By doing this, the ball releases toward its intended destination as opposed to whipping into the ground.

The shooting windup’s elongation enables players to make shots with additional force. Players may spread their hands wide and far to engage their complete body into the shooting motion thanks to the greater extension.

Without enough whip, the ball comes out of the pocket too early, making it very difficult for players to perfect appropriate shooting technique.


  • Optimal Body Torque

The degree of body torque that a player employs also has a considerable impact on average shot speed.

The lacrosse shot is not intended to be restricted to a straightforward arm movement. The body must be violently twisted in the direction of the target when shooting properly.

Shooters who simply use their arms are missing out on a lot of potential power. The best shooters all rotate their entire bodies to direct their momentum towards the ball. One shoulder of their shot is directed at the target. By the time they have finished firing, the opposing shoulder is facing the target. This is a clear sign that they are utilizing body rotation to its full potential.

Just look at the shooters who are the fastest in the world. They almost turn their full back toward the goal as they position their body for a shot before starting the shooting motion. In order to maintain maximum body torque during the shot, they use this as a mental cue.


  • Snapping the Wrists in a Timely Fashion

Unbelievably, the wrists can also increase the speed of a shot by a few miles per hour.

Players’ wrist cracking during the last stretch of the shot action is mostly to blame for this. The wrist snap accelerates the ball’s exit from the pocket by a small amount, giving the shot a little extra zip. Despite the fact that this particular aspect of shot technique does not get as much attention as pocket whip and body torque, it should not be disregarded.

Paul Rabil is one of many elite lacrosse players who emphasizes the significance of snapping the wrists during the shooting release. They do this for a variety of reasons, including shot accuracy advantages in addition to shot speed advantages.


  • Following Through Toward the Target

When a lacrosse player uses good shooting technique, the force of their follow through should cause them to move in the direction of the goal they are going for.

.The lacrosse shot revolves around a power transfer. A player will accomplish what coaches frequently regard to as a “still” shot if they stop their momentum midway through their shot. Coaches don’t like to see this because it shows that a player isn’t following through correctly.

Many athletes make the error of not moving their hips all the way to the shooting target. The hips should complete their full rotation as the ball comes out of the pocket. In this manner, the player unintentionally careens toward the objective.



You have it, then! For the recreational lacrosse player, the typical lacrosse shot travels between 70 and 80 mph. However, bear in mind that there are a number of variables that affect how quickly you can throw a lacrosse ball. Your pace may vary according on your age, experience, and even the stick you use.Make sure you are in good physical condition and have proper form if you want to throw the ball as quickly as you can. 

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

"I live and breath Lacrosse"

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