How To Practice Lacrosse Alone

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Lacrosse is a long-lasting sport that was first called stickball. Not for the feeble-minded. There is therefore no time to be lax. For each game, a lacrosse player needs to engage in consistent and deliberate training.

It is a team sport, so team training is essential to fostering team coordination, cooperation, and taking ownership of a task in order to accomplish a common objective. You can practice some exercises on your own to hone your endurance, footwork, and hand-eye coordination.

Are you looking to improve your lacrosse skills but don’t have a partner to practice with? No problem! It is possible to practice lacrosse alone and still see significant improvement in your game. In this blog, we will provide tips and drills that you can do on your own to hone your lacrosse skills. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced player looking to sharpen your skills, there is something for everyone. So grab your stick and let’s get started!


What Necessary Equipment Will You Need?

  • A lacrosse stick: This is the most important piece of equipment for practicing lacrosse. You will need a stick that is the correct length and weight for your skill level and position.
  • A ball: You will need a lacrosse ball to practice catching, throwing, and shooting.
  • A net or goal: You will need a net or goal to practice shooting and scoring.
  • Protective gear: It is important to wear the appropriate protective gear, including a helmet, gloves, elbow pads, and shoulder pads, to reduce the risk of injury while practicing lacrosse.
  • A space to practice: You will need a flat, open space to practice lacrosse, such as a field or backyard. You may also consider setting up a small practice area in your garage or basement.
  • A rebounder or wall: A rebounder or wall can be helpful for practicing passing and shooting against a stationary target.
  • A rebound net: A rebound net can be used to practice shooting and passing with a partner, or to practice on your own by throwing the ball into the net and retrieving it.


What Are The Most Effective Drills You Can Do Alone?

  • Wallball exercises

The most frequent exercise that every lacrosse player performs is wallball. A lacrosse player spends a lot of time on the wall during the off-season. Accuracy, stick abilities, and hand-eye coordination are all improved through this kind of training.

Find a location on the wall and repeatedly strike it. The goal is to rapidly remove the ball from your stick by cradling it once, then letting it go. Use both hands to practice and repetition.


  • Shooting

Cones and a net are better used for this exercise. Don’t let the lack of any prevent you from practicing. To simulate a situation resembling a game, all you need is a little imagination. Head to your yard to practice after gathering some tools from your house or garage.

Set up a shooting zone with tape. Pretend that the cones or other objects you have on the floor are your rivals or the opposing team’s defenders. Use empty boxes if you don’t have a net or cage. To improve your skills, practice each shot at full speed, just as if you were playing the game.

You should practice your normal shot. Bring balls with you to avoid having to waste time resetting the ball for subsequent shots after missed ones.


  • Defense

Throw high balls while practicing wall ball drills, then catch them with your fully extended arms and pole. Again, behave as if there are opponents nearby to practice playing as you would in a real game. Add sprints and long runs to your regular practice schedule as you prepare for the defense.


  • Cradling

One of the most important abilities to learn and develop in lacrosse is how to cradle or protect the ball inside the pocket of your stick while moving quickly. Practice holding the ball near to your head, vertically, with one hand.


  • Scooping (Ground Balls)

Practice picking up the balls from the ground at various angles. Keep the ball in your peripheral vision and be prepared to pick it up as soon as an opportunity presents itself.


  • Work on your stick skills

To improve the efficiency of your movements, experiment with several techniques. Hands can be exchanged behind one’s back. To check your posture and correct problematic behaviors, use a mirror.


  • Play both soccer and basketball.

Playing soccer, basketball, and lacrosse all have something in common. Each of the three is a fast-paced, endurance-testing game. It stresses the body beyond its capacity. You can get additional practice for enhancing your lacrosse abilities by playing basketball or soccer.


What Are The Benefits Of Continuous Practice, Even Alone?

Continuous practicing lacrosse even alone has a number of benefits. One of the main benefits is that it allows players to improve their skills and techniques without relying on a team or coach to guide them. This can be particularly useful for players who may not have access to regular team practices or who may want to focus on specific areas of their game.

Another benefit of continuously practicing lacrosse alone is that it helps players to develop mental toughness and resilience. Players who regularly practice alone will have to find ways to motivate themselves and push through any challenges or setbacks they encounter. This can be invaluable in helping players to perform at their best in competitive situations.

Finally, continuous practicing lacrosse alone can help players to develop a greater sense of self-discipline and focus, as they must be self-motivated and disciplined in order to consistently practice on their own.



To practice lacrosse alone, it is important to focus on individual skills such as ball handling, shooting, and dodging. This can be done by setting up cones or markers to mimic a defensive setup and working on quick stick drills, shooting on a goal or rebounder, and practicing dodges and fakes using a pole or bag as a defender. It is also important to incorporate footwork and body positioning in these drills to improve overall gameplay.

Overall, practicing lacrosse alone requires dedication and discipline, but it can greatly improve an individual’s skills and confidence on the field. It is an essential part of any lacrosse player’s training regimen and can lead to increased success in games and practices with a team.

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

"I live and breath Lacrosse"

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