How To Improve Your Foot Speed For Lacrosse

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If you’re a lacrosse player, you know that foot speed is crucial for success. Whether you’re dodging defenders or sprinting to catch up to a loose ball, quick feet can give you a competitive edge on the field. In order to improve your foot speed for lacrosse, there are a variety of exercises and drills you can incorporate into your training routine. Here are six questions to consider as you work to boost your foot speed.


How does agility ladder training help improve foot speed for lacrosse?

Agility ladder training is a type of exercise that involves performing quick foot movements through a series of ladder rungs. This type of training can be beneficial for lacrosse players who want to improve their foot speed, agility, and coordination.

Here are a few ways agility ladder training can help improve foot speed for lacrosse:

  1. Increases Foot and Leg Speed: Agility ladder drills are designed to challenge the player’s foot speed by forcing them to move quickly through a series of steps. The fast and precise movements required in ladder drills help to increase the player’s foot and leg speed, which can translate into faster sprints and quick direction changes during a lacrosse game.
  2. Improves Agility and Coordination: Lacrosse is a fast-paced game that requires quick movements and changes of direction. Agility ladder training can help to improve a player’s agility and coordination by training their body to move quickly and efficiently through different footwork patterns. This can help players to react more quickly to changes in the game and move with greater precision.
  3. Builds Endurance: Lacrosse games can be physically demanding, and players need to have the endurance to keep up with the pace of the game. Agility ladder training can help to improve cardiovascular fitness, which can help players to build endurance and stay competitive throughout the game.
  4. Enhances Cognitive Function: Agility ladder training can also help to improve cognitive function and reaction time. The quick and precise movements required in ladder drills can help players to develop better hand-eye coordination, which can help them to make better decisions on the field.


Are plyometric exercises effective for improving foot speed in lacrosse players?

Plyometric exercises are commonly used by athletes to improve their speed, power, and explosiveness. These exercises involve quick and explosive movements, such as jumping and hopping, which can help athletes develop the muscle strength and coordination needed to move quickly and efficiently. In lacrosse, foot speed is essential for players to be able to move quickly and change direction on the field, making plyometric exercises potentially effective for improving performance in this sport.

Research suggests that plyometric training can lead to significant improvements in foot speed in athletes. For example, a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that plyometric training improved sprint times and agility in a group of male soccer players. Another study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that plyometric training improved sprint times and vertical jump performance in male basketball players.


How can resistance band drills help lacrosse players improve their foot speed?

Resistance band drills are another effective way to improve foot speed for lacrosse players. Using resistance bands during your workout can provide added resistance and challenge to your movements, helping to develop stronger muscles and faster footwork. For example, you could use resistance bands while performing lateral shuffles or high knees to increase the intensity of these exercises and improve your overall speed and agility.


What is the role of speed ladder training in improving foot speed for lacrosse players?

Speed ladder training is another popular method for improving foot speed in lacrosse players. Similar to agility ladder drills, speed ladder drills involve running through a series of exercises that challenge your footwork and coordination. However, speed ladder drills tend to be faster-paced and more focused on pure speed than agility. By incorporating speed ladder drills into your training routine, you can develop faster footwork and the ability to accelerate quickly on the field.


Can plyometric box drills be effective for lacrosse players looking to improve foot speed?

Yes, plyometric box drills can be very effective for improving foot speed in lacrosse players. These types of exercises involve jumping on and off boxes of varying heights, which can help develop explosive power and speed in your legs. Plyometric box drills can also challenge your balance and coordination, helping to improve your overall agility on the field.


How important is proper form when performing foot speed drills for lacrosse?

Proper form is crucial when performing foot speed drills for lacrosse. These drills are designed to improve agility, quickness, and explosiveness, which are essential skills for lacrosse players. Using proper form ensures that the player is engaging the correct muscles and executing the movement in the most efficient way possible. It also reduces the risk of injury by avoiding unnecessary strain on the body. In addition, practicing proper form during foot speed drills helps to develop good habits and muscle memory, which can translate into better performance on the field. Players should focus on maintaining a strong athletic stance, keeping their hips low, and driving off the balls of their feet to maximize their speed and power. With consistent practice and attention to form, players can significantly improve their foot speed and overall performance in lacrosse.



In conclusion, improving your foot speed for lacrosse is a key factor in taking your game to the next level. By incorporating the right exercises, drills, and techniques into your training regimen, you can enhance your footwork, agility, and overall speed on the field. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, it’s never too late to start working on your foot speed.

Remember to focus on building strength, flexibility, and explosiveness in your legs and feet, as well as practicing quick change-of-direction movements and footwork drills. Pay attention to your form and technique, and don’t be afraid to push yourself to new limits.

By following these tips and consistently working on your foot speed, you can become a faster, more agile, and more dominant player on the lacrosse field. With dedication, discipline, and hard work, you can achieve your goals and take your game to new heights. So, lace up your cleats, hit the field, and start improving your foot speed today!

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

"I live and breath Lacrosse"

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