How To Improve Your Agility For Lacrosse

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Lacrosse is a fast-paced sport that requires a great deal of agility to be successful. Agility is the ability to quickly change direction and move with speed and ease. Improving your agility can help you become a better lacrosse player by allowing you to move more quickly, dodge defenders, and avoid injury. In this article, we will explore six sub-questions to help you improve your agility for lacrosse.


What are the benefits of agility training for lacrosse?

Agility training is an essential component of lacrosse training because it can help players develop better coordination, speed, balance, and reaction time, which are all critical skills needed to perform well on the field. Here are some specific benefits of agility training for lacrosse:

  1. Improved footwork: Agility drills can help players improve their footwork and develop better control over their movements. This can help them change direction quickly and evade defenders.
  2. Increased speed: Lacrosse requires players to move quickly up and down the field, and agility training can help improve their overall speed and acceleration.
  3. Better balance: Agility training can help players develop better balance, which is essential for maintaining control of the ball and making quick changes in direction.
  4. Enhanced reaction time: Agility drills can help players react more quickly to game situations, such as incoming passes or defenders.
  5. Reduced risk of injury: By improving balance, coordination, and control over their movements, players may be less likely to suffer from injuries such as ankle sprains or ACL tears.

In summary, incorporating agility training into a lacrosse training program can help players improve their overall performance on the field and reduce the risk of injury.


What are some drills that can improve agility for lacrosse?

Agility is a crucial skill in lacrosse, as it requires quick and precise movements to maneuver around opponents and change direction on the field. Here are some drills that can improve agility for lacrosse players:

  1. Cone drills: Set up a series of cones in a zig-zag pattern, and practice weaving in and out of them at varying speeds. This drill can help players develop quick footwork and lateral movement.
  2. Ladder drills: Use an agility ladder to practice various footwork patterns, such as high knees, lateral shuffles, and crossover steps. This drill can improve coordination, speed, and agility.
  3. Box jumps: Jumping onto and off of a raised platform, such as a box or bench, can improve explosiveness and lower body strength, which can help with quick changes of direction on the field.
  4. Plyometric exercises: These include movements like jump squats, burpees, and box jumps, which involve explosive jumping and landing. Plyometrics can help improve lower body power and coordination, leading to better agility on the lacrosse field.
  5. Shuttle runs: Set up two cones a short distance apart and sprint back and forth between them, touching the ground at each end. This drill can improve acceleration and change of direction speed.
  6. Reaction drills: Use a partner or a coach to call out different movements, such as “left,” “right,” or “spin,” and quickly react and move in the indicated direction. This drill can improve agility, reaction time, and decision-making skills on the field.


How can you improve lateral quickness for lacrosse?

Lateral quickness is the ability to move quickly and efficiently side-to-side, which is essential for lacrosse players. Improving lateral quickness can be done through drills such as shuffle runs, lateral hops, and lateral lunges. These exercises should be done on both sides to ensure balance and equal development.


How important is footwork in agility training for lacrosse?

Footwork is crucial in agility training for lacrosse. Your feet are what move you around the field quickly and efficiently. Good footwork will help you stay balanced and in control of your movements. Some drills that focus on footwork include ladder drills and dot drills. These exercises can help to build a solid foundation for your footwork and improve your overall agility.


How can resistance training improve agility for lacrosse?

Resistance training can help improve agility for lacrosse by strengthening your muscles and joints. This type of training includes exercises such as squats, lunges, and plyometrics. Plyometrics involve explosive movements, such as jumping or landing, that help improve power and speed. Resistance training also helps to improve your stability and balance, which are essential for agility.


How often should you train for agility in lacrosse?

Agility training should be done at least two to three times a week for maximum benefit. The training should be progressive and challenge the athlete to improve. Rest and recovery are also important, and it is recommended that a day or two of rest is taken between each training session.



In conclusion, agility training is essential for lacrosse players. It can improve lateral quickness, footwork, and reaction time, while also reducing the risk of injury. Incorporating drills, resistance training, and rest and recovery into your training regimen can help you improve your agility, making you a better lacrosse player. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can enhance your skills and take your game to the next level.

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

"I live and breath Lacrosse"

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