How to Get Recruited for Lacrosse

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Lacrosse is a rapidly growing sport that has gained popularity in recent years, especially among high school students who aspire to play at the collegiate level. While it may seem like an easy task to get recruited for lacrosse, the reality is that the process can be challenging, competitive, and confusing. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how to get recruited for lacrosse, including tips and strategies for making a successful transition from high school to college.


Understanding the Lacrosse Recruitment Process

The first step in getting recruited for lacrosse is to have a clear understanding of the recruitment process and what colleges look for in potential lacrosse players. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:


Timing: Timing is critical when it comes to the recruitment process, so it is important to start early and research college lacrosse programs well in advance of your high school years.


Grades: Colleges want to see that you are committed to your academics, so make sure to maintain a high GPA and take the necessary courses to be eligible to play lacrosse in college.


Athletic ability: Colleges are looking for players with strong physical skills, including stick-handling, speed, and endurance. To showcase your athletic ability, participate in tournaments, showcases, and camps, and keep a highlight reel of your best plays.


Character and leadership: Colleges want to recruit players who are not only talented, but also have good character and leadership qualities. Demonstrate your leadership skills by serving as a captain, volunteering in your community, or taking on other leadership roles in your life.


Building Your Recruitment Portfolio

Once you have a clear understanding of the recruitment process and what colleges are looking for, it is time to build your recruitment portfolio. Here are some essential components to include in your portfolio:


Athlete resume: Your athlete resume should include your academic background, athletic experience, and awards and honors. Be sure to highlight your strengths, skills, and achievements as a lacrosse player.


Video highlights: A video highlights reel is a must-have for your recruitment portfolio. This video should showcase your skills and athleticism, as well as your on-field personality and leadership qualities.


Letters of recommendation: Letters of recommendation from your coaches, teachers, and mentors can help you stand out from the crowd. Choose people who know you well and can speak to your character, leadership, and athletic ability.


Online presence: Today, many colleges and coaches look at social media profiles when evaluating potential recruits, so it is important to maintain a positive online presence. Make sure to avoid posting anything that could be perceived as negative or inappropriate.


Marketing Yourself to Colleges and Coaches

Start Early: Start marketing yourself as early as possible, especially if you want to play lacrosse in college. Freshman and Sophomore years are a good time to start making connections with college coaches and to begin making a name for yourself in the lacrosse world.


Build Your Skills: Work hard on your lacrosse skills and be dedicated to improving. Attend lacrosse camps, get involved in club teams, and play in tournaments. This will give you more exposure to college coaches and increase your chances of being recruited.


Create a Highlight Reel: Create a highlight reel of your best plays and send it to college coaches. This will give them an idea of your skills and how you play the game.


Connect with College Coaches: Reach out to college coaches and introduce yourself. Let them know that you are interested in playing lacrosse at their school and ask them to keep you in mind. Attend college games and speak to the coaches in person.


Participate in Showcases: Participate in showcases and tournaments that are attended by college coaches. This will give you the opportunity to show your skills in front of them.


Be Persistent: Be persistent and don’t give up. Reach out to college coaches regularly and keep them updated on your progress. Follow up with them and let them know that you are still interested in playing for their school.


Stay Connected: Stay connected with college coaches through email and social media. Let them know about any new achievements or milestones that you have reached.


Be Professional: When speaking to college coaches, be professional and show them that you are serious about playing lacrosse in college. Dress appropriately and have a positive attitude.



In conclusion, getting recruited for lacrosse requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and a strong online presence. Start by showcasing your skills and athletic ability on the field, attend showcases and camps, and create a comprehensive athletic profile. Utilize social media platforms and online recruiting sites to market yourself to college coaches and create a positive online reputation. Network with coaches, alumni, and players in the lacrosse community and develop relationships with them. Lastly, be patient, stay focused, and keep working hard to achieve your goal of getting recruited for lacrosse.

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

"I live and breath Lacrosse"

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