How to Make a Lacrosse Practice Plan

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Lacrosse is an engaging and strategic team sport that requires players to possess a blend of physical and mental skills. As a coach, it is your responsibility to develop a practice plan that enables your team to improve their technical skills, tactics, fitness, and coordination. A well-structured practice plan not only maximizes the time available but also enhances the players’ enjoyment and motivation.

In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in developing a comprehensive lacrosse practice plan that is optimized for search engines (SEO) and caters to your team’s unique needs.


Determine Your Objectives

Developing a lacrosse practice plan requires careful consideration of your objectives for the session. Here are some steps to help you determine your objectives:

  1. Assess your team’s strengths and weaknesses: Before you can determine your objectives, you need to have a good understanding of your team’s strengths and weaknesses. This will help you identify areas that need improvement and areas where your team excels.
  2. Set realistic goals: Once you have identified areas that need improvement, set realistic goals for your team to work towards. For example, if your team struggles with ground balls, you may set a goal to improve ground ball pickups by a certain percentage.
  3. Break down your objectives: Once you have set your goals, break them down into smaller objectives that can be achieved during a single practice session. This will help your team stay focused and motivated.
  4. Plan your drills: Based on your objectives, plan out drills that will help your team achieve those objectives. Make sure to include drills that focus on individual skills as well as team skills.
  5. Time your drills: Allocate a specific amount of time for each drill. Make sure to leave enough time for warm-up and cool-down activities as well.
  6. Evaluate progress: At the end of each practice session, evaluate your team’s progress towards your objectives. Use this information to adjust your practice plan for future sessions.


Define Your Practice Schedule

Developing a practice plan for lacrosse involves several key steps, and defining your practice schedule is one of the most important ones. Here are some tips for creating an effective lacrosse practice schedule:

  1. Determine the length of your practice: Before you start planning your lacrosse practice, you need to decide how long it will be. Most youth and high school practices last between 90 minutes and two hours, while college practices can be longer.
  2. Decide how often you will practice: The frequency of your lacrosse practices will depend on several factors, including the level of competition and the availability of your players. Generally, youth teams practice 2-3 times per week, while high school and college teams may practice daily.
  3. Plan your warm-up: Your practice schedule should include time for a proper warm-up. This can include dynamic stretching, agility drills, and some light cardio exercises.
  4. Allocate time for skill development: A significant portion of your practice schedule should be devoted to skill development drills. These may include passing, shooting, ground balls, and defensive positioning.
  5. Incorporate game-like situations: To help your players prepare for actual game situations, incorporate game-like drills into your practice schedule. This could include practicing man-up and man-down situations, fast breaks, and transition play.
  6. Plan scrimmage time: Allocate time at the end of your practice schedule for scrimmaging. This will give your players a chance to apply what they’ve learned in a game-like setting.
  7. Cool-down and stretch: Finish your practice schedule with a cool-down period and some static stretching exercises to help prevent injuries and promote recovery.


Create a Warm-Up Routine

Developing a warm-up routine is an essential first step when creating a lacrosse practice plan. The purpose of a warm-up is to prepare the players’ bodies for physical activity and reduce the risk of injury. A good warm-up should last approximately 15-20 minutes and include activities that gradually increase the players’ heart rate and flexibility.

Start with some light jogging or dynamic stretching to get the blood flowing and loosen up the muscles. This could include exercises such as high knees, butt kicks, walking lunges, and leg swings. After a few minutes of jogging and dynamic stretching, move into some sport-specific movements, such as passing and catching, shooting, and footwork drills. These activities will help the players get into the mindset of playing lacrosse and allow them to practice their skills in a controlled environment.

In addition to physical warm-up activities, it’s important to incorporate some mental preparation into your warm-up routine. Take a few minutes to review the goals and objectives of the practice and emphasize the importance of teamwork and communication. Encourage the players to stay focused and engaged throughout the practice and remind them that their efforts during the warm-up will set the tone for the rest of the session.


Plan Technical and Tactical Drills

To plan technical drills, start by identifying the specific skills that need improvement. For example, if your team struggles with catching, plan a series of catching drills that gradually increase in difficulty. These drills could include stationary catches, moving catches, and catching under pressure.

When planning tactical drills, consider the specific game situations that your team may encounter. For example, if your team has trouble defending against a fast-break, plan a drill that focuses on transitioning quickly from offense to defense. Alternatively, if your team struggles to score against a zone defense, plan a drill that focuses on breaking down the zone and creating scoring opportunities.

It’s also essential to vary the drills throughout the practice to keep players engaged and motivated. Consider alternating between technical and tactical drills, as well as individual and team-based drills. Finally, be sure to allow time for scrimmage and game-like situations to allow players to practice applying their skills and strategies in a realistic setting.


Include Fitness and Conditioning Exercises

Lacrosse is a physically demanding sport. Therefore, including fitness and conditioning drills in your practice plan is essential. Conditioning drills help to improve the players’ cardiovascular endurance, speed, agility, and strength. Some of the common fitness exercises used in lacrosse include shuttle runs, sprints, resistance band exercises, and box jumps.


Incorporate Fun Activities

Finally, it’s vital to include fun activities in your practice plan. Lacrosse is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires players to enjoy themselves. Plan team-building exercises, games, and challenges that foster camaraderie, motivation, and enthusiasm. Encourage players to participate actively and provide positive feedback for their efforts.



Developing a lacrosse practice plan is a crucial aspect of coaching. A well-designed plan enables your team to improve their skills, fitness, and teamwork. The six-step process we have discussed in this article will help you develop a comprehensive practice plan that caters to your team’s unique needs.

Remember that the primary objective of a practice plan is to enhance the players’ enjoyment and motivation for the sport. Therefore, strive to make the training sessions fun, engaging, and varied. By doing so, you will develop a team that is not only physically and technically proficient but also enjoys playing lacrosse.

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor

"I live and breath Lacrosse"

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